I feel like so many doors of knowledge and understanding have opened about my body, my mind and my heart. The things I have learned with Gigi have been an enriching experience.
I feel more capable of working through my challenges in a fast and more effective way.
July C.
Tammy C.
Thank you Gigi so much for sharing you knowledge and you(r) beautiful heart... There are no words to describe how much I grew, how much I learned about myself and how many miracles I experienced.
I feel empowered. I feel Alive! Thank you. Thank you!
Karen P.
Este curso me ayudo a abrir los ojos en cuanto a como ver la vida y sus dificultades. Creo que antes solo me enfoque en ver mis problemas y sus malas consecuencias. Ahora yo puedo ajustar las velas en estos vientos tan difîciles.
I came to Gigi Turley almost a year ago needing help with false belief patterns that kept showing up in my life. I couldn't believe how fast (within two sessions) she was able to help me break through some serious thought patterns and deeply rooted negative beliefs.
Heather J.
Cynthia Hiatt, B.A., C.E.H.F.
My meetings with Gigi leave me feeling refreshed, uplifted, and confident in myself and my abilities. I know Gigi to be professional in her demeanor, gentle in her observations, and deliberate in offering her suggestions. I would happily recommend her as a gifted counselor with the capacity to offer healing in multiple ways.
Cassidy T.
This course has opened up my awareness to everything around me. I feel like I am a different person after taking Gigi's course. I feel this has been the first step on a journey that will change my entire life. Gigi, you are a gift!